Nudibranchs of Southern Africa Nudibranchs of Southern Africa
Nudibranchs of Southern Africa - A Guide to the Opisthobranch Molluscs of Southern Africa

By Dr. Terrence Gosliner

The 136 pages of exquisite color photographs provide detailed descriptions of 268 species. 8" X 10' softcover format, this book contains an excellent account the evolutionary history, systematics and biogeography of the species of this region. It includes a comprehensive species list Bolding the species described in the book. It also includes an excellent key and well illustrated glossary. $37.95.

To order a copy send your mailing address
and VISA or MasterCard, with expiration date to:

Sea Challengers Natural History Books, Etc.
35 Versailles Court, Danville, CA 94506
925-327-7750 - Voice order
925-736-8982 - FAX order
For e-mail information/orders

Dr. Terry Gosliner

Author: Nudibranchs of Southern Africa
Co-Author Coral Reef Animals of the Indo Pacific

Send Terry mail at

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