Hawaiian nudibranchs Hawaiian Nudibranchs
Includes 127 color photos of 80 species of Hawaiian nudibranchs. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch format, 112 pages. An excellant fieldguide to the common species of the Hawaiian archipeligo. $15.95. Available from Sea Challengers Natural History Books.

To order a copy send your mailing address
and VISA or MasterCard, with expiration date to:

Sea Challengers Natural History Books, Etc.
35 Versailles Court, Danville, CA 94506
925-327-7750 - Voice order
925-736-8982 - FAX order
For e-mail information/orders dave@seachallengers.com

Dr. Hans Bertsch

192 Imperial Beach Blvd. #A
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
FAX (619) 423-9118
Send Hans E-Mail at hansmarvida@cox.net

Scott Johnson
Raytheon Range Systems Engineering
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
Send Scott E-Mail at johnson@kmrmail.kmr.ll.mit.edu
(805) 355-4835 (voice)
17 hours later than EST

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