Hawai'i's Sea Creatures - A Guide to Hawai'i's Marine Invertebrates. By John P. Hoover. 1998.
This just published guide to the invertebrates of Hawai'i's coral reefs is the most comprehensive yet, with over 500 species each accompanied by color photos. The text contains complete and informative descriptions of each species. Each phyllum has been given equal coverage, sponges through tunicates. An excellent bibliography is included. For the opisthobranch enthusiast, this text includes some 72 species. This book is a must have for biologist, divers, snorkelers and slugs lovers alike.

Softcover $23.95, plus $4.00 shipping and handling within US. Foreign postage depends on country of destination.

Available from:

Sea Challengers Natural History Books, Etc.
35 Versailles Court
Danville, CA 94506
925-327-7750 - Voice Mail
925-736-8982 - FAX
by E-mail at david@seachallengers.com
or off their web site at - www.seachallengers.com

David W. Behrens

Author: Pacific Coast Nudibranchs
Co-Author Coral Reef Animals of the Indo Pacific
Propriator of Sea Challengers Natural History Books

Send Dave mail at seachalleng@earthlink.net

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